When speaking in Ta’ Pinu, Pope Francis invited us to rediscover the essentials of our faith in a process of renewal of the life of the Church which is “never merely a past to remember but a great future to build”. With dwindling numbers and an ever-growing divide between Gospel values and the dominant culture, how can the local Church continue sharing the Good News with everyone and not just to a closed circle? Are we ready to leave our comfort zones and embark on risky and new paths of evangelization? With Professor Nadia Delicata lecturer in Moral Theology at the University of Malta and Episcopal Delegate for Evangelisation and Dr Francois Mifsud, lecturer in the Department for Inclusion and Access to Learning at the University of Malta, we discuss the joys and challenges of being a Church in dialogue who gives witness by “kindling fires of tender love for those who know the pain and harshness of life”.
This month in depth…

Christian Unity and Malta Today

The Church in Malta: Could it be?

The Oxymoron of Culture and Church