Church in SocietyRethinking Cultural Heritage

When discussing cultural heritage, the emphasis should not be on the burden of preservation as such, but on the opportunity to renew, to rethink one’s vocation and to recompose it in the current socio-cultural context and to dream for a better future.
Socially alone

Church in SocietySocially lonely?

One question I often get from parents of Gen Z's after they hear of my dabbling with digital theology is: What can I do? My child is always hooked on their mobile device! I am afraid there is something wrong with them! The aim of this short reflection is to try to answer whether we should be worried that our youth are socially alone or rather they are teaching us a new ecclesiology?

Church in SocietyOne Bishop, one Church

In their role of “headship” of the Church, Pope and Bishops, embody the paradox that Catholicism recognizes as the only real path to Truth—and notwithstanding the power and authority bestowed on them, they do so through their personal poverty.