After the successful search and rescue of a suicide victim, as the rescuers celebrated their success, I kept wondering: what's the value of a person’s life?
In their role of “headship” of the Church, Pope and Bishops, embody the paradox that Catholicism recognizes as the only real path to Truth—and notwithstanding the power and authority bestowed on them, they do so through their personal poverty.
To what extent do we as Church, as fellow travellers on this journey of faith, accompany one another intimately, personally, and not just through our “office” or “role”?
Witness is the Church’s lifeblood; and that life, lavished with his blood, is today in the solidarity, mutual care and self-emptying love we offer each other as concrete acts of ‘tending lambs’.
This period is a pilgrimage period of walking up towards the Golgotha. As a Church, we are invited to partake in the sacrifice of Christ by feeling abandoned and lost, a spiritual desert, while we think of one another, intercede and make ourselves available for others. We are called to be the Simon of Cyrene.