the beauty of idleness

Our Common HomeThe Beauty of Idleness

In a society that places production before people, and economy before well-being, the greatest act of protest to help us rediscover our humanity is to do... absolutely nothing!

Church in SocietyOne Bishop, one Church

In their role of “headship” of the Church, Pope and Bishops, embody the paradox that Catholicism recognizes as the only real path to Truth—and notwithstanding the power and authority bestowed on them, they do so through their personal poverty.
not rocking the boat leads to death

Our Common HomeDon’t rock the boat!

We are often invited directly or indirectly to stay put, shut our mouth and let things as they are. Is this really an option? What are the deeply human and Christian attitudes in front of injustice? Can we afford rebels or revolutions? But most of all can we afford to stay silent in front of suffering?