Please don’t interrupt me! I’m in a crisis!
Like a train going at full speed we cannot afford to slow down our economic/other activity. What we're not realising is that there is no way of surviving a crisis, unless we slow down, live through it & then changing into a new system. Whether at school, at home, at the workplace, nation or global wide.
Socially lonely?
One question I often get from parents of Gen Z's after they hear of my dabbling with digital theology is: What can I do? My child is always hooked on their mobile device! I am afraid there is something wrong with them! The aim of this short reflection is to try to answer whether we should be worried that our youth are socially alone or rather they are teaching us a new ecclesiology?
Trauma – 3 years later
Until October 16, 2017, I was one of the thousands addicted to clicking Running Commentary hoping for another…
The Shameful Truth
Truth and Freedom are qualities we all desire - in our communities, in our leaders, in one another, and in ourselves. But how willing are we really to take the path of shame?
A playful social being
In this article I shall be arguing the need to retrieve our playful being as a way of participating in a playful God. Against our hubris, social play emerges.
Embarking on a journey of healing-through-rethinking
Last May, while Rome was under lockdown for the Covid-19 pandemic, Pope Francis initiated a global year-long process…
It takes a child to raise the economy!
‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ This is true as long as the aim of the village is the raising of the child and not only focused on its economy.
Bħal vjaġġatur mill-bogħod
Bħal vjaġġatur mill-bogħod nistenniek tiġi,mifruxa ħarsti ’l hemm lejn l-orizzont,nitħabat ma’ tqalligħ il-mewġ tal-ħajja,taman li ma ndumx wisq…
Kissing the Lord
It is in the garden, still smeared in the blood of his agony, foreshadowing the blood of his passion, that the mouth of Judas meets the mouth of Jesus. Yet the mouth has always been a pathway into another world.