Truth and Freedom are qualities we all desire - in our communities, in our leaders, in one another, and in ourselves. But how willing are we really to take the path of shame?
In this article I shall be arguing the need to retrieve our playful being as a way of participating in a playful God. Against our hubris, social play emerges.
It is in the garden, still smeared in the blood of his agony, foreshadowing the blood of his passion, that the mouth of Judas meets the mouth of Jesus. Yet the mouth has always been a pathway into another world.
In a society that places production before people, and economy before well-being, the greatest act of protest to help us rediscover our humanity is to do... absolutely nothing!
After the successful search and rescue of a suicide victim, as the rescuers celebrated their success, I kept wondering: what's the value of a person’s life?
In their role of “headship” of the Church, Pope and Bishops, embody the paradox that Catholicism recognizes as the only real path to Truth—and notwithstanding the power and authority bestowed on them, they do so through their personal poverty.