Christian Unity and Malta Today
In the one-year period, Malta was visited by the Holy Father, Pope of Rome Francis, and By the…
The Church in Malta: Could it be?
At the moment, The Church in Malta could be like Holy Jacob wrestling all night long with God.…
The Oxymoron of Culture and Church
Putting together to read in one breath, “Rethinking Culture. Church in Malta,” has become an oxymoron. It is…
The economy – a tool for sustainable development?
The current model of development has caused environmental problems, social inequality, and economic instability. It is suggested that a new, more sustainable and inclusive model of development should be adopted which takes into account the needs of the poor and the environment.
Striking a balance between unbounded economic growth and sustainability requires a new mindset
Is the growth of our economy and the sustainability of our planet mutually exclusive or can we have both?
An Economy driven by Sustainable values
The evolving values and aspirations of customers are demanding a transformation in our economy. Accountable business leaders would do well to be sensitive to these expectations in a collaborative manner
Rethinking Cultural Heritage
When discussing cultural heritage, the emphasis should not be on the burden of preservation as such, but on the opportunity to renew, to rethink one’s vocation and to recompose it in the current socio-cultural context and to dream for a better future.
Il-Lingwa u l-Wirt Kulturali
Il-kelma ġġorr ħafna aktar responsabbilitajiet minn sempliċi għodda ta' komunikazzjoni.
A Hollow Heritage?
The article explores how we relate to our Christian cultural heritage, which is intended as a pathway of faith. Such heritage may have had this core purpose hollowed out and been reduced to tourist attractions, but it can still be of relevance today if properly understood.